Sunday, June 28, 2009

Happenings in June

The summer has began and the summer children program has begun. This year we have 23 children, several teenagers who are helping out along with Saul, the intern from Phoenix Arizona.

Praise to God, the housing situation has been resolved for Saul. He will be staying for the next two months in an apartment on the campus of Shenandoah University.

Everyone is excited about what is being done through this program in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Grace and Peace
Pastor Martha

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Christmas Story

I want to share with you the blessing that happened to our family at the end of my pregnancy at a special Christmas time. As part of Amor y Paz UMC I was invited to the pastor's home to attend a Posada (a gathering to celebrate Star of Christmas and wait for the coming of the baby Jesus birth). My husband and I had the honor to represent Joseph and Mary in the posada on December 13. My pregnancy was almost finished and we were there outside of the house. We were singing to aks if we could come in for shelter as Mary and Joseph. Two groups were there, one inside and one outside, until the group outside came in singing and with lighted candles, happy to be coming in because of the cold weather. Many people (48) were waiting for us to sing more songs and read the scripture around the Advent candles. Four families each read the meaning of each candle, love, hope, joy, peace and Christ. Words of welcome and the meaning of the Posada were told. The table was full of different dishes of food that every one brought and was offered to every one. And we finished the pinata and the aguinaldos.

We felt special because God gave us the opportunity and the honor to represent his mother and father. It was a blessing for us because of what our other children learned abut this and how it happened around the coming of the new baby. It was a very special event for us.


Again on December 24, my husband and I were again Mary and Joseph in the Christmas Eve service with our new baby boy, Jaden Vargas Arroyo. He now represented the Baby Jesus. He was born on December 17th. Baby Jesus is here to day, we are blessed again.


Yes, Alleluia!!! We are here for a third time with the whole family, Joseph, Mary, Baby Jesus and the three Kings. 78 people came to the service to meet the three Kings. After the service all of us cut the Rosca de Reyes looking for the baby doll Jesus inside the bread, like the Three Kings searched for the Baby Jesus. They walked through the mountains and came to see Jesus. Finally we hare here after walking our journey of faith through the Posadas, the Christmas Eve Service and now the Epiphany Service. My children and I gave thanks to God because this experience wil never be forgotten in our life. Now my children call my little baby Jesus even if his name is Jaden.

Esperanza Vargas Arroyo

Amor y Paz Tamale Sale

The ladies of Amor y Paz UMC had a very successful Tamale Sale April 3 and 4. This was the first time that they had taken on such a project. 300 tamales were made and sold for the sale. All sales were pre-ordered. With the contributions for supplies they made more than $280.

Since this trial run was so successful it has been decided to try again, on a larger scale. The sale date will be July 10 & 11. Stay tuned for ordering information.

Friday, February 27, 2009

After School Program

We had a wonderful week at Amor y paz after school this week with several new faces, both adults and children.
We celebtated Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday with the children and many pancakes and sausage, lots of syrup and butter. The kids loved it.

We spent an hour or so making leprechauns to welcome in the month of March.

We are going to splurge and take 6 of our oldest ladies (8th grade and younger to the movies on Saturday. We are going to see "Twilight". We adults are a little wary, but the kids are really excited.


Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday it is a day when the people of God came to remember where we came from.
This past Wednesday the 25 of February 20 people met at Amor y Paz UMC to celebrate with the imposition of the ashes.

Grace and peace

Pastora Martha de la Rosa

Virgin of the Candelaria's Day

Día de la Candelaria ¡ Aleluya? Fue una gran celebración

Este evento se celebra el día 2 de febrero pero, este año lo celebramos el sábado 4 de febrero de las 6:30pm a 8:30pm, con una asistencia de 65 personas de las cuales al cortar la Rosca de Reyes, diez de ellas encontraron al niño Jesús.

La costumbre o tradición es que las personas que encontraron al niño Jesús dentro de la Rosca de Reyes traerán algo de comida para compartir. Este fue el Día, y hubo 180 tamales, ensalada, y Atole, suficiente para 65 personas que vinieron a continuar dando gracias a Dios por todas las bendiciones. La reflexión de la palabra y el compartir las buenas nuevas es parte de esta celebración. San Lucas 2: 21-38 fue la lectura especial del día y nos habla de la presentación de Jesús en el templo de acuerdo a la ley de Moisés. La presentación de Jesús en el templo, fue hecha en el mimo tiempo en que Simeón esperando la Restauraron de Israel, creía fielmente que el no moriría hasta ver al Mesías, y lo vio y dijo:”Ahora Dios, tu promesa esta cumplida; puedes dejar que tu siervo muera en paz. Por que ya he visto la salvación que has comenzado a realizar a la vista de todos los pueblos. La luz que alumbrara a las naciones y que será la gloria de tu pueblo Israel”

El pueblo de Dios en Amor y Paz IMU, en esta reflexión nuevamente confirma que la restauración de Israel continua, sabiendo que la salvación se nos dio a través de nuestro Señor Jesucristo y El es la gloria y luz que alumbra nuestro camino.

Virgin of The Candelaria’s Day ¡Alleluia ¡ Was a Great Blessing

It is regularly celebrated on February second but this year we celebrated it on February 4 from 6:30 to 8:30 with a attendance of 65 people at Epiphany Service, who cut the “Rosca de Reyes” It is a bread with round shape, with baby Jesus dolls in side. It is covered with colored sugar and special candies on the top. The imperfection of the shape and the many colors represent the mountains and the colors of nature where the three Kings were looking for The Baby Jesus. Ten persons founded the Baby Jesus. It is the tradition that the person who found the baby Jesus in side the “Rosca de Reyes”, has to bring food to share. This was the day when we had 180 tamales, salad, “atole” (hot drink) enough for 65 people who gather for continuing prayers and thanked God for the many blessing that they had received. The reflection of God’s word was the sharing of the good news, part of this celebration. Luke 2:21-38 was the scripture of the day and it’s telling us how Jesus was presented in the temple in the same time that Simeon was waiting for Israel’s Restoration, because he believed that he would not die until he sees the Messiah. When he sees the messiah, his exclamation was: now your promise is done; you can let your servant go in peace. I have seen the salvation that start to pay in the eyes of all the people. The light will shine through all nations and will be the glory of your people Israel.

The people in Amor y Paz Iglesia Metodista Unida, in this reflection again we, confirm that Restoration of Israel continues, with the knowledge that salvation was give to us through Jesus the Christ and he is the glory and the light that shines in our lives.

Friday, January 30, 2009


Día de la Virgen de la Candelaria

Se celebra el día 2 de Febrero

La historia inició en El Servicio de Epifanía o Día de los Reyes Magos. Este año se celebro el 4 de Enero..

78 personas vinieron a celebrar la continuación de la navidad y dar gracias con la venida de los Tres Rayes Magos, quienes vinieron a visitar al Niño Jesús después de una larga búsqueda por El.

Esta vez los Reyes magos fueron representados por Sr. Daniel Sastre, Sr. Jorge y Sr. Valentín Ramírez quienes son padres de familia en la comunidad y atienden la Iglesia Amor y Paz, Mari ay José fueron representados por Sra. Esperanza Arroyo y Sr. Pablo Vargas y su recién nacido bebe quienes aceptaron el honor.

Después del servicio todos fueron invitados a reunirse en el Salón de eventos sociales al rededor de dos mesas grandes donde se encontraban dos hermosas Roscas de Reyes, las cuales tenían dentro 5 pequeños bebes cada una. La misión de los miembros de la iglesia es buscar al Niño Dios. Con jubilo, cada adulto y cada niño corta una pieza de rosca y buscan al bebe. Esto representa la búsqueda de los tres Reyes Magos por el niño Jesús hasta que lo encuentran. Cada persona que encuentra un bebe tendrá que traer alguna comida para compartir. (tamales, atole, arroz, frijoles y salsa, etc) para compartir con el pueblo de Dios, en el día de la Celebración del Día de la Candelaria.. Esta ves se celebrara el Sábado 31 de enero. Usted esta invitado avenir.

Amor y Paz IMU
102 Montague Ave.
Winchester, VA 22601
Tel: 540:662-4531 (oficina) 540:974-1485 (Cell)

Lo importante de esto es compartir como familia de Dios la escritura, San Lucas 2:21-36
Que nos habla acerca de la presentación del Niño Jesús en el templo, para que se cumpliera así la promesa de Dios - Salvación.